And now, they have a new purpose.
These hands will now take care of 13 precious chickens (12 hens + 1 rooster) in the hopes us CSA members will have quality eggs come Fall.
The babies arrived Monday from the Midwest and, as Mary Anne says, she hasn't been able to do much else but watch them peck around, sleep, chirp, and just be cute little chicks. They move somewhat in waves. A couple will bunch up together in one area of the pen, under the warm lamp, and then move together to another area. There is no adult bird, so they rely on each other's cues.
It's a remarkable hen house, built by her partner Harold with recycled wood and parts. It's a coop any chicken would love to call home, and two folks that couldn't be better suited to take care of them and raise them in sound, organic, sustainable principles. They will be happy full-grown chickens in a couple months, and they'll produce happy, tasty eggs.
We are so grateful for their gifts.
I recorded a bit of a video, maybe not the best, but I hope to upload a better video next week. For now, this will suffice. (You can hear their itty bitty chirps in the background)
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