Here we are again. We were so entranced by last year's Les Dames that, of course, we had to return this year. You know, stalk the internet for the sale date of tickets, plan, rent a car, etc.

I hear only 500 tickets were available, and promptly sold out, so it never go too out of control.
Some of my favorites this year included.....
The pork belly from 4th and Swift. I told Jay Swift that this was probably our favorite of the whole festival. Rightfully so. Tasty pieces cooked with a crisp sear.

Also, the braised oxtail was a stand out too. The pomegranate seeds were a surprising complement.

The "black foot" ham from Spain a/k/a Iberico pata negra made is presence here, quite a surprise. And it was as wonderful and salty as the cured meat fanatics say.

The lamb (lamb!) prosciutto from 103 West was to-die-for melt in your mouth.

Of course, I have to include a picture of the baby donkey! He's eye-ing my taste plates, I swear!

The view from the main house summarizes it pretty well: more wonderful cuisine and wine await beyond the doors. There's always more to taste, more to sip, and your stomach would never allow you to sample everything.

Good thing there's always next year to look forward to!